•the chapter on sex annoyed me a little. My husband and I have talked about men and sex, and some of it contradicted what my husband told me. While men definitely have different character strengths than women, there isn't a "one size fits all" man. However, there are also a lot of great points made in this chapter. Sex should be seen as something special and I appreciate how he presents it.
•there is a sentence that says something along the lines of - if a girl doesn't have a father around she will find love in the backseat of a car. - I'm from a broken home. The only man I've had sex with is my husband of six years. We have two amazing little boys and are very secure in our relationship. While I can see where he's going with this, it has never made sense to me to put it that way. Girls with fathers around have sex before marriage also.
It probably sounds like the whole book is about sex by the way I've written so far, but it's not. Sex is only one chapter. Chapter four to be exact. This book talks about respect and other character traits a man should have and how to help your son develop these traits. I'm very thankful for this book, it's helped me understand my boys more. I'm so proud of the men they're becoming.