Read in October.
Tookie knows she won't be selected to attend Modelland - with ther too big forehead. Her whole family knows it will be her sister. But on The Day Of Discovery, Tookie is chosen along with three other less than perfect girls.
Every girl, teen, and woman should read this book. Tyra is so imaginative. She has created a fantastic world that's so mysterious, but you want to go there. Maybe not the Diabolical Divide, but I'd definitely like to check out Modelland.
Tookie's parents are terrible. I can't even describe my disdain toward them. Using their children instead of loving them.
The memory room was really cool. I love how Tookie and her friends used it to get closer to each other.
It's hard to not give anything away, but there's a twist at the end that just rocks!
Bravo is so sweet. I love the love story between Bravo and Tookie. It's innocent and awesome. Not too much, which I'm thankful for with the main characters being fifteen years old.
The body image issues these girls face are real and hit so close to home. I hurt when they hurt, but I also felt really great about myself when I finished reading.