Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Little Boys Activity Bible For Toddlers

Little Boys Activity Bible for Toddlers by Larsen Carolyn was gifted to my sons. (This could be used for both sons and daughters if you have both, however there is a girls option that I've linked at the bottom as well.)

This book is fun and interactive. It starts with the story of creation where the children answer "God did!" to who made the (big yellow sun, twinkling stars, etc.) and the bad choices of Adam and Eve while reinforcing that God still loved them, goes through several bible stories including many that aren't in a lot of children's bible books, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and ends with 7 stories of Peter, Phillip, and Paul. I like that it doesn't end at the story of Jesus, but continues on to give us examples of how to live for Him. 

The age range on the book says 0-3, however Aiden is 4.5 and enjoys it. If he has additional questions, I can answer them. The stories are six pages each, with a bright picture taking up most of each page. Some pages have an angel pulling a toy dinosaur in the corner showing a reaction to the story, which is one of Carter's (2.5) favorite parts. 

The activities range from free (playing mother may I) to inexpensive (I think the most expensive activity is planting a flower in a pot). The boys really enjoyed making little Moses babies in baskets with modeling clay! These are great ways to help the kids remember what we read and to continue conversation about the story. 

This book is a fun addition to our collection. We've really enjoyed reading through it together and will very likely read it again. 

Little Boys Activity Bible for Toddlers by Larsen Carolyn et al. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0091USX6S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_udp_awd_pmC1wb4608JSB

LIttle Girls Activity Bible for Toddlers by Larsen Carolyn et al. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00926Q3FO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_udp_awd_2dD1wb1FH0S17

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